Still Isolation
learning how to go out
This is a new thing but not a new thing. Living with ME I do spend quite a lot of time at home. But when I want to go out it is not a problem, I just go out.
Now, as my partner is at high risk, going out has become complicated. Don’t touch the bannisters, wipe the front door knob and the latch, use the tissue to open the door, same with number two door and remember not to push it shut with our elbows because we’ll have to wash clothes when we get back.
Outside, breathing in fresh air, wonderful, breathing in fresh air again, even more wonderful. Shiver because it’s colder than I thought, outside after the high temperature of the flat. Okay, now walk. Over the road, no cars on the move, into the park. It’s empty, no people, just an abandoned toddler’s bike.
little bike
Plastic, left to do what plastic doesn’t do, rot.
People appear, two of them, veer to the left, smile under the scarf, ‘can they see I’m smiling?’ carry on and hope they saw the crinkling round my eyes. And round we go, twice today, maybe three times tomorrow.
Back to the front door, all spraying and wiping in reverse. Up the stairs, don’t touch the bannisters. Home.
Book ten awaits. Laptop awaits. Youtube with all it’s cooking to keep happy videos, I don’t really cook. Photo editing sits shouting at me. ‘Edit me’. I ignore the shout. Sit down, safe, intrepid adventure over.